We found 1 episode of Hatewatch With Us: A Variety Show for Sarcastic People with the tag “the oasis”.
The Emmys and Ready Player One
September 24th, 2018 | 1 hr 2 mins
2018, award shows, book adaptations, film, hatewatch, hatewatch with us, media, media criticism, movies, podcast, ready player one, star wars, television, the emmys, the emmys 2018, the oasis, thought bubble, thought bubble audio, tv
WE'RE READY!!!!! Lol get it? We're back from hiatus with content timely and not at all timely. First, Kelsey takes one for th team and reprots back on watching this year's Emmys. Honestly, we could have probably stayed on hiatus for this one. Then we're bringing you Ready Player One in all its white-male-Star-Wars-Prequels-CGI mediocrity. We have a drinking game and complaints aplenty. Did you miss us? Cuz we sure missed you more than we would have missed this movie had it never been made. We're working on new content so watch your feeds!!